REF 2021 impact data analysis

A simplified data visualisation with multicoloured lines flowing from left to right on a soft background.
Alluival Diagram

The REF 2021 Impact Data Analysis was a small project, between King's Digital Lab (KDL) and colleagues in the King's College London (KCL) Research Management & Innovation Directorate (RMID), to support the analysis of the college's REF 2021 impact case studies and environment statements.

The data used during the development of this project includes 153 impact case studies and environment statements, in PDF (5-10 pages of text each), which follow standard templates but are expressed with heterogeneous descriptions and language.

The project was set up to help RMID and research impact leads to address the questions:

  • What are the main types of impact KCL has delivered? Which pathways have been used to deliver those impacts?
  • Who are our key partners and beneficiaries of our impacts?
  • Where are they - local (London), national or global?
  • Is there a correlation between discipline and types of impact or pathways to impact used?
  • What are the areas identified as strengths, areas for development and future plans?


Project Status: Post-project


  • Machine Learning and AI
  • Data Visualisation