The Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Research Theme focuses on creating a virtual cycle within KDL’s Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) around ML and AI that goes beyond single projects solutions across the triangle of critical, analytical and practical RSE-driven research. Its primary objectives include leveraging past experiences and emerging best practices to guide project scoping, planning, and execution, formalising and sharing AI/ML knowledge and guidance internally and globally, innovating new computational methods and software tools for AI/ML research.
Critical Modelling Reviews Waves Critical Modelling of Extensive Literary DataCritical Modelling
The Australia National University ANU , King's Digital Lab KDL
Screenshot of the Encyclopedia Britannica prototype interface for semantic search built by Geoffroy Noël. Encyclopedia Britannica Exploratory PrototypesEncyclopedia Britannica
Faculty of Arts and Humanities FAH , Digital Futures Institute DFI , FAH Department of English, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
I Real Main Image iREAL: Inclusive Requirements Elicitation for AI in Libraries to support respectful management of Indigenous knowledgesiREAL
University of Glasgow, Digital Preservation Coalition, University of Technology Sydney
A selection of charts taken from the "Language of Mechanisation" analysing the data of certain words that changed meaning during the 19th century. Living with MachinesLwM
Queen Mary, University of London, FAH Department of Digital Humanities, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, The British Library, The Alan Turing Institute
Nanotoms Narrative Atoms and Open Scholarship ExperiencesNanotoms
FAH Department of Digital Humanities, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
1783 to 1807 timelines from France, Ireland, Italy, United Kingdom, and other countries, showing events, source texts & translations. Radical Translations: The Transfer of Revolutionary Culture between Britain, France and Italy (1789-1815)Radical Translations
FAH Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Milano-Bicocca
Research Excellence Framework 2021 Impact Data Analysis REF 2021 impact data analysis
KCL Research Management & Innovation Directorate RMID , King's Digital Lab KDL
Social Dynamics Chat Gpt Social Dynamics of People's War
Defense Studies, Faculty of Social Science & Public Policy