The Indigenous Digital Humanities Research Theme highlights the challenges of how to ethically work with Indigenous peoples and material in Digital Humanities research. Its primary objectives involve:
- reconnecting communities to their taonga and mātauranga held in the UK (and possibly Europe);
- fostering relationships between holding institutions, research groups and source communities;
- fostering joint, co-developed research, digital, non-digital and hybrid; and
- exploring options for producing culturally appropriate digital and analogue outputs/artifacts, beyond traditional academic outputs of monographs and papers.
A Partnership for Conserving and Promoting Sudanese Cultural and Documentary HeritageSudan Memory
Sudanese Association for Archiving Knowledge SUDAAK , Africa City of Technology ACT , National Records Office of Sudan, FAH Department of Digital Humanities, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Screenshot of Movement in Common Worlds staging site showcasing the work in progress. Brightening the Covenant ChainBCC
University of Hull
King George III with his consort Queen Charlotte and their six eldest children, by Johan Zoffany, 1770 Georgian Papers ProgrammeGPP
College of William and Mary Libraries, Omohundro Institute, Royal Archives & Royal Library, FAH Department of History, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
I Real Main Image iREAL: Inclusive Requirements Elicitation for AI in Libraries to support respectful management of Indigenous knowledgesiREAL
University of Glasgow, Digital Preservation Coalition, University of Technology Sydney
King's College, Strand, London. Engraving by J. C. Carter. Wellcome Collection (V0013842). King's Past
FAH Department of History, Faculty of Arts and Humanities