The Data & Processes Visualisation Research Theme explores the use of visual tools and techniques to represent complex datasets and processes in ways that enhance understanding, support analysis and interpretation, and drive communication and storytelling. It addresses challenges such as visual perception, interactivity, accessibility, data literacy and the ethical implications of representing and knowing with data. Visualisations can reveal the constructedness, fuzziness and relationality of data and help inform diverse audiences; they can also influence and skew perceptions of the information they present. The work of this theme both employs and critically examines existing and emerging practices in this important field.
D Ra L Main Image Distant Reading across LanguagesDRaL
FAH Department of Digital Humanities, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Ego Media: Life Writing and Online AffordancesEgoMedia
FAH Department of English, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Screenshot of one of the project interactive map visualisations with trajectories of French expatriates in Egypt (1792-1882) created using Flowmap to display 15,962 journeys inferred from 10,001 deeds in consular civil registers. État Civil: French expatriates in Ottoman Egypt
FAH Department of History, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
A selection of charts taken from the "Language of Mechanisation" analysing the data of certain words that changed meaning during the 19th century. Living with MachinesLwM
Queen Mary, University of London, FAH Department of Digital Humanities, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, The British Library, The Alan Turing Institute
A collection of six bar graphs for the journals from Facsimile section Nineteenth-Century Serials EditionNCSE
Birkbeck, University of London, University of Leeds, FAH Department of Digital Humanities, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, FAH Department of English, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
1783 to 1807 timelines from France, Ireland, Italy, United Kingdom, and other countries, showing events, source texts & translations. Radical Translations: The Transfer of Revolutionary Culture between Britain, France and Italy (1789-1815)Radical Translations
FAH Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Milano-Bicocca
Research Excellence Framework 2021 Impact Data Analysis REF 2021 impact data analysis
KCL Research Management & Innovation Directorate RMID , King's Digital Lab KDL
Imaged created by KDL including a screenshot of the network visualization for the project and sample documents in the background. Taming the Complexity of the LawTCL
Faculty of Natural, Mathematical & Engineering Sciences, The Dickson Poon School of Law, Faculty of Social Science & Public Policy, King's Digital Lab KDL
Screenshot taken from the The community of the realm in Scotland, 1249–1424 website of the side by side text viewer The Community of the Realm in Scotland, 1249-1424COTR
University of Glasgow, FAH Department of History, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Edinburgh