What is KDL's Software Development Lifecycle?

KDL's Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) refers to a methodology with clearly defined processes for creating high-quality software. In detail, the SDLC methodology focuses on the following project phases of software development with more detailed steps within those phases.

Project phases

  1. Pre-project
  2. Active
  3. Maintained
  • Initial contact

    Tell us as much as you can about your project idea, even if it’s at an early stage.

    Contact us

  • Internal assessment

    Do the project’s idea, time frame and strategic fit make it a good match for KDL?

  • Requirements assessment

    An in-depth discussion to define requirements, if feasible, leading to a Product Quote.

  • Funding application

    The Product Quote will have most information you need. We can help write and check relevant sections.

    (Skip this step if funding is available.)

  • Kick off

    Once funding is confirmed, we’ll plan how to work together and what to focus on first.

  • Evolutionary development

    The actual development. Dividing the project into increments, we decide at the end of each which requirements we'll focus on in the next increment.

  • Deployment

    We aim to deploy a portion of the project after each increment.

    This cycles with Evolutionary Development, moving back and forth between stages.

  • Final release

    Final changes and testing, and confirming post-project support. We’ll agree a final release date and any support for launch activities.

  • Post project

    We plan and cost for a period of hosting and maintenance from the start.

    Archiving and sustainability approach