How does KDL decide whether to take on a project?

We follow a 2-phase decision making process in which we decide if we can accept a new project in our portfolio. Firstly, we discuss all project proposals in our weekly project pipeline meeting to review if it fits within our research strategy, expertise and resource capacity. This first look often raises questions and points which need clarification, and it is common for KDL to meet with you to discuss them. We then review the project a second time at our weekly project planning meeting, after which we either confirm whether we can work on your project proposal or give you a timeline for an answer, if there are any outstanding questions. If you are a potential partner external to the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at King’s College London, we will make sure to discuss your proposal with faculty leadership and management prior to confirm our involvement (we have regular catch up which will facilitate this and notify you promptly of any issues).