Pam Mellen

Photo of Pam Mellen

Research Software Lab Manager

Pamela Mellen oversees the Lab's business functions and is deeply involved in managing the Lab's strategic and continuous improvement goals. She also manages key elements of KDL projects, coordinating between the KDL development team and our range of external partners.

She has worked at King's since 2012, where she turned an existing background in general project management and administration into into a more in-depth understanding of research management before moving across to the newly formed Digital Lab in 2016.

She has an MA in Victorian Media and Culture from Royal Holloway, University of London and a BA in Theatre and English and Creative Writing from the George Washington University, as well as a Practitioner qualification from the Association for Project Management. She is interested in process improvement and change management.

Pam's work as a lab manager (and previously project manager) is integral to all of KDL's active projects. She has been involved with all projects developed and maintained during her time at KDL.
