Senior Research Software Engineer
Geoffroy is a programmer analyst who joined King's College London in 2008, after more than nine years working for various technology startups in Brussels and London, and has since contributed to and led the analysis and software development of several Digital Humanities projects. Most of these projects were specifically about digital palaeography, codicology, diplomatics and online scholarly editions of medieval manuscripts.
He has a degree in Business Computing and a MSc in Intelligent Technologies from Birkbeck, University of London, with a particular focus on machine learning, knowledge representation, computational intelligence and evolutionary algorithms.
Geoffroy enjoys building innovative and open source tools that empower academics with new ways to exploit the untapped potentials of their digitised research material.
Crossreads Text, materiality and multiculturalism at the crossroads of the ancient MediterraneanCrossreads
University of Oxford, University of Catania
Farm-level Interdisciplinary Approaches to Endemic Livestock DiseaseFIELD
University of Lincoln, FAH Department of History, Leeds Trinity University
Encyclopedia Britannica Exploratory PrototypesEncyclopedia Britannica
Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Digital Futures Institute, FAH Department of English
REF 2021 impact data analysis
KCL Research Management & Innovation Directorate, King's Digital Lab
Renaissance Skin - Visible SkinVisible Skin
FAH Department of History, Wiedemann Lampe, FAH King's Culture
The Community of the Realm in Scotland, 1249-1424COTR
University of Glasgow, FAH Department of History, University of Edinburgh
FAH Department of Digital Humanities
The Values of French Language and Literature in the European Middle AgesTVOF
FAH Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, University of Florence
The Redress of the Past: Historical Pageants in BritainHistorical Pageants
FAH Department of History, UCL Institute of Education, University of Edinburgh, Queen's University Belfast
Distant Reading across LanguagesDRaL
FAH Department of Digital Humanities
CultureCase: putting research to work
FAH King's Culture, Faculty of Natural, Mathematical & Engineering Sciences
The Conqueror's Commissioners: Unlocking the Domesday Survey of South-Western EnglandExon Domesday
FAH Department of History
Renaissance SkinRENSKIN
FAH Department of History
Digital Resource and Database for Palaeography, Manuscript Studies and DiplomaticDigiPal
FAH Department of Digital Humanities
The AHRC Research Centre for the History and Analysis of Recorded MusicCHARM
University of Cambridge, FAH Department of Music, Royal Holloway, University of London, University of Sheffield