Alice Thornton's Books AT

An imposing two storey building made of stone blocks with intricate details set in the countryside.
Hipswell Hall, North Yorkshire, where Alice Thornton lived with her mother. Photograph courtesy of Suzanne Trill.

This AHRC-funded research project, in partnership with Durham Cathedral, is creating an online digital edition of the four autobiographical manuscripts written by Alice Thornton (1626-1707). Born into a family of English gentry in seventeenth-century Yorkshire, at a time of civil war, plague, and a high infant mortality rate, Thornton repeatedly chronicled the accidents, misfortunes, and blessings of her life as a wife, a mother, and a widow. Utilizing experience and lessons learned from earlier projects it has worked on, KDL is trying to build an edition framework which is lightweight and easy to maintain, with generalized components that can be used by many different projects and which interact with each other in standardized, predictable ways.


Project Status: Active

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